How To Enable WhatsApp Web For iPhone With Cydia Tweak

How to use WhatsappWebhelper Cydia Tweak?

You need to have your iOS device jailbroken to use this tweak. If you haven’t jailbroken your device yet, you should read this guide. Once your device is jailbroken, go to Cydia & search for WhatsAppWebhelper & install it.

Whatsapp web helper

First time users can refer to following guides:
  • What are Cydia & basics of Cydia
  • How to use Cydia – Starter guide
Once you have the tweak installed on your device, open Whatsapp and go to settings. There you will see an option for Whatsapp web.
Whatsapp settings
Click on it, and you will see a screen like what is shown below. Scan Webwhatsapp code
Now go to your Chrome, Firefox or Opera browser. (Whatsapp web doesn’t support Safari browser yet). Scan the barcode, and you will be able to start using your Whatsapp on your desktop browser. This is how Whatsapp web interface looks like:
Whatsapp web
  • You can click on file icon at the top to send a file from your desktop to any Whatsapp user. You can also click the picture using your laptop camera & send it to anyone.
  • Whatsapp file size sending limit is 16MB, so if you are sending a large file, make sure to compress or optimize it accordingly.
If you get, an error saying makes sure your phone has an active connection to Whatsapp web, ensure that your phone is connected to internet.  You might like to ensure that Background app refresh is enabled on your iPhone to provide seamless connectivity between Whatsappweb & your app.
If you are a Whatsapp group admin, you would love using Go ahead & use this Cydia Tweak to enable Whatsapp web on your iPhone. If you are stuck or have any question, feel free to ask me via comments. Don’t forget to share this amazing Cydia hack with other friends on your social networking sites.